This site was generated with GitLab Pages on, the GitLab system hosted by the EMBL Bio-IT Project. The associated project repository is here and this site is built from the gitlabpages branch. The repository uses Jekyll to build HTML from Markdown files.

You can use GitLab Pages to build and host static webpages from Pages will be hosted from https://<username><projectname>, where <username> and <projectname> are your EMBL username and the GitLab project namespace respectively. You don’t have to use Jekyll to build your HTML pages: you can include raw HTML files in the project repository or choose one of the other engines available to generate content from text files.

This site and the associated repository are used for training sessions in intermediate Git usage and Pages/continuous integration with GitHub and/or GitLab. Check out the [Bio-IT homepage]ibio-it for a listing of all our upcoming courses and events.